Clark North

Clark North

Check out Clark North's Japanese inspired style tattoo art

Though he's a homebody that likes life un-complicated - Clark North has more than 30,000 hours in the skin, was on TV for two years and has been featured in tattooings largest & longest lived magazines. He has also been interviewed and noted in some of the largest newspapers around, such as USA Today, O.C Weekly, Orange County Times and the Los Angeles Times.

Directly inspired by the original 1800's Japanese tattoo artists. putting decades of study into it as well. This has been Clarks' favorite form of tattoo since the age of 11 (1974). Clark did his first tattoos in 1977/78 ~ tattooing friends & their friends off & on until he got serious in the late 80's... and he's been at it ever since.

Having a strong passion for traditional Japanese tattooing (just as most of the tattooers from his generation), these days Clark really is focused solely in this one direction. Body suits are a passion but so are sleeves, lady's hip decor and the smaller one point tattooing.

Clark is always sketching, drawing and painting new ideas as well as tattooing 4 or 5 days a week. He enjoys his career, its path and is grateful for his great clientele.

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